I just had to share this drawing with you. My 6 year old son drew it. When I told him how much I liked it, he said he wasn't satisfied with the result. He said he should have added the cape. But I love the gesture and the weight of the pose, as well as the casual light saber over the shoulder. Enjoy.
Love it! Looking good Sam.
I love the nonchalant-ness of his gesture sort of Sears catalog "Man-about-town" pose.
I love art from children.
I struggle to get this kind of magic!
(why is that? How do we lose what we already had?)
Hey Guys thanks for stopping by. Hobo,...I can't seem to leave a comment on your Blog. Is that on purpose? Just noticed that the other day. Great stuff by the way.
I think Sam is gunning for your job buddy! Watch your back.
My god! That may be my favorite Darth ever. Not kidding.
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